The people of Telgora hold their breath. Whispers of peace flow from Isen to Fangbay Port to Highvalley. The fires of war burn low behind the tired eyes of the country’s leaders. Even in Cobra’s Hood, bold proclamations from Zhaekota himself tell the people that the worst is over. But it is easy for the willing to turn a blind eye to the tinder resting under their feet. Revolutionary fervor and hurried miscommunication threaten the delicate balance keeping Telgora from bursting into flame. Worse yet are the people who believe that they will be able to harness the blaze when it comes. It only takes a spark, and while everyone speaks of lowering their guns, no one has yet extinguished their matches. For the people of the Confederacy of the Northern Great Plains, familiar with lands of dry grass and high wind, the truth is as simple as it is terrifying. They know that if the fires of war come to Telgora, they will be FREE TO ROAM.