
A Place I Have Never Been, Part III:

The Principality of the Bay of Fangs

The clouds of battle gather over Telgora. But few are able to see the warning signs through its darkening skies, obscuring lies, and increasing suspicion. A recovering Zhaekota can only wait as others plan against him. Eilatek plows forward with her ambitious plan for revolution, even as some grow wary of her boldness. Isenhartz looks for new solutions to the problems of legitimacy and legacy. Fezharek prepares as best she can for coming war, while praying every day that it can be avoided.

The time has come to reveal the winners and losers in the game for Telgora’s future. In the third and final part of A Place I Have Never Been, the eyes of Telgora turn to its southernmost state. The Principality of the Bay of Fangs has a somber warning for the rest of the country:

Whatever happens there, it will NEVER FORGET.