Second Edition FOR SALE NOW


A Place I Have Never Been, Part I: The State in the South

Telgora stands on the brink of civil war. In the south, a group of revolutionaries led by the young Eilatek, scarred from a factory strike, swears to bring the government to its knees. In the north, the new socialist Isenhartz prepares his takeover of the Telgoran government. In the capital city, the fiery, drunken Chair of Telgora, Zhaekota, broods over the coming storm. Caught in the middle is Fezharek, a pilot in the Southern Air Force who begins to doubt her role in the bloodshed. These four stand over the future of their country, pulling it apart at the seams of revenge, love, money, and power. In back rooms, burned cities, and mountain hideaways, everyone in the country whispers about coming war.

As the tensions grow, the eyes of the nation turn to the State in the South to see if its people will live up to their words: LIVE FREE OR DIE