Free Audiobook!

So… I am not a professional audiobook reader (is that the word?) or anything. I do have a little microphone and was able to create a kind of quiet environment. I took a crash course on sound mixing (is that the term?) to make it sound as good as I could. I’m sure I missed a few words, went too fast, and I know I just generally hate the sound of my own voice, so there’s that, too.

I did do theatre in college and HS so, like, I can kind of act? My biggest regret is not getting the minor. Two credits shy, oh well.

This recording was done for two reasons: one, for fun! Always finding new ways to be creative and explore artistic endeavors is how life stays rich and wonderful. The second is accessibility. I don’t know if I’ll explore recording A Place I Have Never Been in its entirety or find someone who would be willing, but having an audio recording of this at least means that others will be able to find their way into the worlds I’m creating. The couple of audio betas (is that a thing?) I sent this too appreciated this effort anyway!

I hope you all enjoy,