Flowing Forward

We’re two weeks into 2020 guys and why does life seem to be moving so much faster than it used to?  Am I getting old?  Is this what getting old feels like? 

It’s kind of unfair of me to ask that question, I suppose, but here we are. 

This is more of a general maintenance blog post.  As 2020 rolls forward (and forward, and forward) there are a few exciting things I want to keep on everyone’s radar insofar as with website and my writing are concerned. 

The first, and I mentioned this briefly in my blog post welcoming the new year, is that I will be attempting to do one short story a month for this whole year.  Those will be posted, unedited, as they arrive for people to peruse and maybe offer feedback on.  I’ll be using a combination of a few different writing prompt websites and a prompt notebook I bought on my recent trip to Florida.  There’s no real point to this other than fun, but sometimes that’s all you need to do! 

If anyone has any good writing prompts, send them along, and I’ll try to incorporate them, too! 

Second, starting this or the next month I’ll hopefully be getting a little newsletter together.  It’ll most likely be a one-page affair with little updates on my writing and publishing schedule, neat things I’ve had to drink or cocktail or wine recommendations (probably nothing fancy in that regard), and cool quotes or stuff I’ve picked up, and anything interesting I’ve read recently.  Hopefully monthly, and hopefully I remember to do this! 

On something up there for a note, updates on my writing progress and publishing schedule!  I want to thank everyone again for the support my book has gotten.  Between all of you I actually hit about what I wanted to for A Place I Have Never Been, Part I, so I’m grateful for that.  To the few of you who’ve written reviews I am also deeply grateful, they help a lot. 

I guess, and this is not meant to sound quite as bragging as it is, I want to take a moment and just reflect as I head into a new year of writing all I did accomplish last year.  This website is now about a year old and in that time I’ve done all this blogging, finished one book, published part of one, and written two more (one in a month thanks to NaNo) and on top of that, handwrote a short story (it’s gonna be entered in contests my dudes, so stay tuned for that.) 

Between all of those projects I wrote almost three-hundred thousand words last year. 

I am 166,000 words into the third book for the series A Place I Have Never Been kicks off.  On that note too, as much as I wrote last time about having a character death really impact me, I had a character defeat recently that was actually very satisfying to write.  Moments like that, watching an absolute little pos of a character get punched in the face, make it all worthwhile. 

Publishing wise, Part 2 and 3 of A Place I Have Never Been will hopefully be published before the year’s end as well, if everything stays on schedule!

The final update is I’m hoping, now that I have a few thousand photographs kicking around on a hard drive somewhere, is to add a photography tab to this website, too.  Something either themed or a few different collections, I’ll have to see.  It would be fun. 

That’s about it for now, I think.  Sorry I couldn’t make it anymore exciting.  It’s a lot of building right now for better things to come.  Sometimes you just have to do that.


Okay so I’ll add something cool, both for you and for the algorithms that get people to this website.  Apart from one freakish weekend, it’s getting chilly in the north, so here’s a recipe for my favorite cold-weather cocktail: the Verte Chaud. 

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1-1 ½oz Green Chartreuse

Add to Your Favorite Recipe or Mix for Hot Chocolate

If you want to get fancy, do a barspoon of Irish Cream into 1 1/12oz Heavy Cream and shake it to all hell in a chilled shaker until you stop hearing it slosh around quite so much.  Pour very gently on top of the Verte Chaud.  If you whipped it enough, it should float and look pretty.  Add some cocoa powder. 

It’s a very warming drink, for more reasons than one, so be careful with it.

Chaud Responsibly.