So, I know the month’s not over, but in an effort to catch up numerically I wrote over fifty haikus so far in September. One thing that’s maybe interesting to people is that mostly I’ve been writing them by hand and adding them to the Twitter, then typing them out again for my notes, then typing the ones I really like for the photo I post to Instagram. They naturally change a little, because I’m just never satisfied with my own writing. That means there could be upwards of three or four versions of the one haiku! You’ll see some of those changes between the written ones below and the picture following them. What one’s the “real” one? I don’t know. Which ones work best for you?
“Haikus, September 2021”
We knew how it felt
Tight in each other’s embrace
But not the ending.
Putting up with me
While only wanting the best.
Sadly, never us.
Letters fading, gone.
How few pretty words remain.
Teach us why we wrote.
Bottles collect dust.
Reds lighten, whites turn amber.
Breathing. Evolving.
Let this pass over.
Thunderstorms calming fires.
Powerful feelings.
Inspiration strikes,
Caring not in the slightest
If I’m there or not.
Speak to me of flames
Show me your heart’s gold embers.
Feed your white passions.
Let me promise you
That my heart is beating to
Your favorite songs.
Dark. Crickets singing.
Fresh air growing colder still.
Tomorrow- Gold leaves.
Write! For what story
Deserves a death in dark, dank
Corners of a mind?
Losing self. Stories.
Hole up on a couch, alone.
Hot tea. Cooling breeze.
Prophets and poets
Speaking greater truths
Found in God… or gin.
Also if I mess up syllables anywhere let me know!